download materi keyword and literal
keyword is identifier that at utilizes Java for a special aim. keyword's list Java as follows:
Abstract | Double | Int | Super | Boolean |
Else | Interface | Switch | Break | Extends |
Long | Synchronized | Byte | False | Native |
This | Byvalue | Final | New | Threadsafe |
Case | Finally | Null | Throw | Catch |
Float | Package | Transient | Char | For |
Private | True | Class | Goto | Protected |
Try | Const | If | Public | Void |
Continue | Implements | Return | While | Default |
Import | Short | Do | instanceof | static |
We may not utilize keyword as identifier.
Bigger writing for variable is important, literal at Java consists:
1. number
2. character
3. string
Number consisting of integer (integer) number floats (floating - pont) and boolean. Boolean was looked on by number. boolean's point to true and false at looks on as 1 and 0. Character always point to Unicode's character. string contains character-string.
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