Sabtu, 23 Juli 2011

Linux : Ubuntu : Cara Install Jdownloader Di Ubuntu

Jdownloader?? Apa itu sebenarnya Jdownloader?
Jdownloader sebenarnya adalah apalikasi yang ada di Linux, dan terutama yang sama bahas di sini lebih ke cara install Jdownloader di Ubuntu. Jdownloader sendiri sebenarnya mirip dengan IDM yang ada di windows dan fungsinya pun sangat mirip seperti dapat membuka beberapa koneksi saat mendownload. Terlebih lagi aplikasi ini dibuat denga bahasa pemrograman java, yaitu bahasa pemrograman yang sedang ngetren saat ini. Masih banyak lagi beberapa keunggulannya.
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Nah, sekarang saya akan memberikan penjelasan cara menginstallnya lewat PPA :

Yang pertama buka terminal atau console, lalu ketikkan perintah ini :

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:jd-team/jdownloader

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install jdownloader

Nah setelah aplikasi tersebut selesai di install, bisa di buka melalui menu application >> Internet >> Jdownloader.

Selamat mendownload ria ya, semoga bermanfaat.

Linux : Ubuntu : what is ubuntu?

See you again, often many people question what exactly is it ubuntu? Yes here I'll explain a little about what is ubuntu? Ubuntu is free software and open source

Ubuntu is a community driven project to create the operating system and suite of applications using free software and open source.

At the heart of the Ubuntu Philosophy will Freedom Software is the following ideals:

1. Every computer user should have the freedom to run, copy, distribute, study, share together, change and improve the software they have for any purpose, without paying licensing fees. 

2. Every computer user should be able to use the software in a language they mastered.
 3. Every computer user should have the same opportunity to use the software, even though they have physical limitations.

Our philosophy is reflected in the software we create and we include in the Ubuntu distribution. To that end, from software license agreements that we distribute must be arranged in accordance with our philosophy, using the Ubuntu License Policy

For Ubuntu, the word "free" as in "free software" is used as a reference to freedom and not free in terms of price - although we are committed to does not impose costs on Ubuntu. The most important thing about Ubuntu is not because Ubuntu is available free of charge, but Ubuntu offers the freedom of the software you are installing and using Ubuntu. In terms of freedom is what makes the Ubuntu community can flourish, so that they can share their experiences and expertise to make Ubuntu better and making Ubuntu suitable for use in various countries and industries.

Quoting the Free Software Foundation's "What's Free Software", the essence of freedom in the software can be defined as follows:
* The freedom to run the program for any purpose. 

* The freedom to study how the program works and adapt it to your needs.
* The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help your neighbor. 
* The freedom to improve program performance, and can pass it to the public so that all enjoy the benefits.

Open source is a term that rolled out in 1998 to eliminate the ambiguity of the meaning of the word "free" in English. Open Source Initiative explains the definition of open source software in the Open Source Definition. Currently Open source has enjoyed success and growth has been widely recognized.

Ubuntu itself can be termed as an open source operating system. While there are some who argue that free software and open source is the movement of competing and have different end goals, we did not see or think of free software and open source as something different or do not match each other. The Ubuntu community is pleased to invite the various parties, both derived from the community of free software and open source community as well as the other parties to participate and develop Ubuntu.

Ramadhan : Jadwal Imsakiyah | Jadwal Puasa 2011

Ramadhan : Jadwal Imsakiyah | Jadwal Puasa 2011.
Tidak terasa bulan suci akan segera kurang beberapa hari lagi umat islam sedunia akan segera melaksanakan ibadah bulan Ramadhan, Bulan Ramadhan ini memang bulan suci yang paling ditunggu-tunggu oleh para pemeluk agama islam, Karena pada bulan ini semua dosa kita yang lalu akan diampuni juka kita sanggup melaksanakan puasa pada bulan ramadhan. Dan yang paling penting kita harus mempunyai jadwal Puasa 2011 dan Jadwal imsakiyah, karena jadwal ini sangat penting agar tidak terjadi kesalahan atau terlambat melaksanakan ibadah pada bulan Ramadhan kali ini.

Di postingan kali ini yang bertemakan bulan Suci Ramadhan 2011, saya akan memberikan jadwal imsakiyah | Jadwal Puasa 2011, semoga bermanfaat, amin.
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Semoga bermanfaat,

Download : Smadav rev8.5 pro full

Akhirnya Smadav 8.5 telah launching ya pastinya udah ditunggu para pengguna setia anti virus local kita yaitu Smadav. Pada smadav rev8.5 ini sudah di tambahkan sejumlah database virus baru dan pastinya lebih canggih, dijamin deh para pengguna setia smadav tidak akan kecewa.
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Berikut ini fitur-fitur terbaru yang ada di Smadav rev8.5 :

1. Teknologi smaRTP, smaRT-Protection
2. Teknologi smad-Behavior
3. Teknologi smad-lock
4. Scanner pintar
5. Clean dokumen terinfeksi
6. Pembersihan dan perbaikan (1500 Value) Registry
7. Update terbaru di setiap revisi
8. Senjata manual sangat mudah digunakan
9. Gratis
10. Portabel dan support OS windos 7 dan XP

Dan smadav ini akan diupdate tiap minguunya, keren kan?
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Dan bagi temen-temen yang ingin merubah smadav free menjadi smadav pro yang lebih cepat tentunya, sobat bisa download SNnya di sini --SN Smadav Pro--

Dan bila temen-temen gak bisa menghilangkan tanda bajakan yang ada pada smadav caranya mudah tinggal tuliskan saja "anti-bajakan" yang pastinya tanpa tanda kutip. Semoga bermanfaat ya.

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Macintosh : How to Install Little Snitch on Mac for Adobe

Hi see you again, I will now discuss what it is little bit snich on mac and how to install it. Little Snitch is a third-party application for Macintosh computers that monitors information sent by other applications in order to protect your privacy. As you use the Internet and run applications,Little Snitch will work in the background to monitor all activity and alert you if an application is attempting to send your protected information. When using Adobe software, Little Snitch will prompt you asking what action to take due to Adobe's frequent sending of user information to its server. In order to use Adobe software and Little Snitch simultaneously, you'll need to add Adobe to Little Snitch's trusted applications list.
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1. Open the "Applications" folder in Finder and double-click the "Little Snitch" icon to run the application.

2. Click the "New" button in the Little Snitch window, and click the down arrow icon.

3. Click "Choose Application" from the drop-down list, and click the Adobe application you wish to add to the list of approved applications list. Click the "Choose" button.

4. Click the drop-down list at the top of the window, and click "Allow Connections." Click the "OK" button to complete the setup.

Related Post :

what is little snitch, how to used little snitch on mac OS

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