Sabtu, 13 Agustus 2011

When to See an Asbestos Exposure Lawyer

When to See an Asbestos Exposure Lawyer

One of the worst things to happen to anyone is to be diagnosed with a deadly disease. This is especially true if the disease you have contracted is the result of something you were exposed to in the workplace, at school or even in your own home. For many years, it has been known that large doses of asbestos dust are hazardous to your health. Many Americans were exposed to asbestos during the past 30+ years while working in such industries as shipbuilding, construction, and factory work. Even school children were inadvertently exposed in the classroom and some homes were constructed with insulation containing asbestos You might be one of these people and now have Mesothelioma or another lung disease. If so, it is time for you to seek the help of an asbestos exposure lawyer.

Lawyers specializing in asbestos-related diseases have been trained in all of the governmental regulations dealing with health and safety. They are well versed in OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) requirements which focus on safety issues for maritime, construction, manufacturing, service and other work sites. This agency is responsible for taking a close look at asbestos exposure on the job and it has come up with specific regulations that industries must follow. All industry must make sure that their workers are fully protected anytime there is a risk of asbestos being present in the workplace.

Don't hesitate to report your concerns to your health and safety representative if you feel you are being exposed to asbestos. They are there to monitor workplace conditions and are responsible for assuring that all OSHA regulations are followed. They must make sure that you wear protective equipment and that you follow all recommended workplace practices and safety regulations. You can also contact OSHA directly if you feel you aren't getting the help you need from your company's safety representative.

Asbestos exposure lawyers are there for you if you have been diagnosed with an asbestos-related disease. They will represent you in court and present your case using the most current information available regarding OSHA and governmental safety regulations. These lawyers want you to be fairly compensated for the medical consequences you have endured because of your company's failure to protect you from a hazardous substance.

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When to See an Asbestos Exposure Lawyer

News : Tiba di Indonesia, Umar Patek Jalani Perawatan Bekas Luka Tembak

News : Tiba di Indonesia, Umar Patek Jalani Perawatan Bekas Luka Tembak

news, tiba, di, indonesia, umar, patek, jalani, perawatan, bekas, luka, tembak, 2011,

Gembong Teroris, Umar Patek menjalani pemeriksaan kesehatan usai kedatangannya di Indonesia dari Pakistan. Umar Patek diketahui dalam kondisi sehat saat berada di Rumah Tahanan Mako Brimob Kelapa Dua, Depok.

Pengacara Umar Patek, Asludin Hatjani mengatakan kliennya telah memberikan surat kuasa kepadanya untuk memberikan bantuan hukum dalam menjalani persidangan di Indonesia. "Kemarin saya sudah tandatangani surat kuasa. Umar Patek saat itu sedang menjalani perawatan luka tembak di paha sebelah kanan," kata Asludin ketika dihubungi.

Asludin mengatakan luka tersebut mulai mengering dan perlu diobati agar tidak terjadi infeksi. Mengenai pemeriksaan seputar kasus pengeboman yang dilakukannya, Asludin mengatakan kepolisian belum melakukannya. "Masih pemeriksaan administrasi saja dan kesehatan," katanya.

Diketahui, Umar Patek telah tiba di Indonesia kemarin, Kamis (11/8/2011) sekitar pukul 07.00 WIB. Dengan pengamanan ketat, Umar Patek bersama istrinya warga FPilipina telah diamankan di Rutan Mako Brimob Kelapa Dua, Depok.

Umar Patek adalah salah satu dari beberapa militan Indonesia yang akan mampu menjelaskan kepada kepolisian tentang hubungan dan jangkauan dari jaringan kelompok militan Islam radikal di Asia.

Patek dilaporkan mengalami cedera selama tembak-menembak dengan pasukan keamanan dalam operasi penangkapannya.Umar Patek (41 th), diduga terlibat dalam pemboman klub malam di Bali, Indonesia, pada 2002, yang menewaskan 202 orang. Sejak itu, beberapa tokoh kunci di Asia Tenggara jaringan Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) yang diuga terlibat, ditangkap dalam keadaan hidup dan sebagian tewas dalam sebuah operasi penangkapan.

Tips : Alat Make Up Apa yang Tak Bisa Ditinggalkan Wanita?

Tips : Alat Make Up Apa yang Tak Bisa Ditinggalkan Wanita?

Ada yang tak bisa hidup tanpa lipstik, ada yang tak bisa keluar rumah tanpa bedak, ada yang malah tak pernah memakai kosmetik sama sekali. Tapi, alat make up apa sih yang tak bisa ditinggalkan oleh mayoritas wanita?

tips, triks, and, alat, make, up, apa, saja, yang, ak, bisa, ditinggalkan, wanita, ?, 2011,

Masing-masing wanita pasti mempunyai kebiasaan yang berbeda-beda dalam hal perawatan kecantikan. Untuk mengetahui lebih jauh tentang kebiasaan ini, sebuah perusahaan kosmetik menggelar survey kepada 300 wanita di Amerika Serikat dan 300 wanita di Perancis. Mereka diberi satu pertanyaan yang sederhana tapi sulit: alat makeup apa yang tak bisa kamu tinggalkan?

Jawaban yang didapat dari responden di Amerika dan Perancis ternyata berbeda. Sebagian besar wanita Amerika ternyata mengaku tak bisa keluar rumah tanpa menggunakan foundation atau concealer, sedangkan wanita Perancis tak bisa lepas dari maskara mereka.

Berikut ini hasil survey lengkap untuk wanita-wanita di Amerika Serikat:

25% - concealer/foundation
22% - lipstik/lipgloss
22% - tak memakai kosmetik sama sekali
16% - maskara
7% - sunscreen
2% - blush on
2% - pensil alis
1% - eyeshadow
1% - eyeliner
1% - body lotion
1% - lainnya

Bagaimana dengan Anda? Jika Anda diminta beraktivitas seharian hanya menggunakan satu jenis makeup, apa yang akan Anda pilih?

Artis : Jono Senang Tinggalkan London, Pilih Indonesia

Artis : Jono Senang Tinggalkan London, Pilih Indonesia

Jono 'Gugun Blues Shelter' merasa beruntung meninggalkan London di saat negerinya itu sedang dilanda rusuh. Jono juga mengaku sangat nyaman tinggal di Indonesia.

Meski begitu, Jono mengaku sedih dengan kerusuhan yang melanda negerinya itu. Jono juga tak yakin masalah di negerinya itu akan cepat selesai.

"Kalau saya sih senang saja karena sudah cabut dari Inggris. Saya senang tinggal di Indonesia," terang Jono, saat ditemui di RCTI.
artis, selebriti, jono, senang, tinggalkan, london, pilih, indonesia, 2011,
Menurut Jono, kerusuhan yang terjadi di London sebenarnya adalah masalah yang sudah lama mengakar di masyarakat Inggris. Penyebabnya adalah kondisi ekonomi dan banyaknya pengangguran.

"Penyebabnya, pertama karena krisis ekonomi di Inggris yang terjadi sejak dua tahun lalu. Perekonomian di sana jatuh banget. Kedua, banyak orang yang tidak punya pekerjaan. Bulan ini kebetulan sedang libur nasional sekolah. Jadi kemungkinan yang melakukan kerusuhan itu anak-anak usia sekolah, sekitar 14-16 tahunan. Mereka tidak ada kegiatan karena libur sekolah," terang Jono.

"Dan yang ketiga, adanya tensi ras yang tinggi. Ada banyak ras di sana, Timur Tengah, hingga Afrika. Itu sudah lama, sejak bom 11 September itu terjadi, kemudian ada perang Afganistan dan Irak. Saling cari gara-gara mereka. Ya, tiga hal itu penyebabnya, sampai orang di sana stres," sambung Jono.

Jono juga yakin, kerusuhan ini akan berlangsung lama. Meski ia juga berharap, pemerintah bisa segera mengatasi segala permasalahan di sana.

"Gue yakin akan panjang kerusuhan ini. Kayak kerusuhan 1998 (di Indonesia). Ini orang jalanan melawan polisi. Proses memperbaiki hubungan itu sangat lama. Ya semoga saja cepat diselesaikan," katanya.

Tips : 6 Kebiasaan yang Diam-diam Merusak Kulit Kita

Tips : 6 Kebiasaan yang Diam-diam Merusak Kulit Kita

Siapa sangka sering berlama-lama menelepon pacar atau meninggalkan kacamata saat mata minus ternyata bisa merusak kulit kita? Agar tak menyesal di kemudian hari, hentikan enam kebiasaan buruk berikut ini.

tips, and, triks, 6, kebiasaan, yang, diem-diem, merusak, kulit, kita, 2011,

1. Bertelepon terlalu lama

Ponsel kita biasa ditaruh di dalam tas (yang bagian dalamnya pasti penuh debu), di atas meja, atau di tempat-tempat lain yang tidak steril. Menelepon berlama-lama menyebabkan kulit pipi bersentuhan dengan ponsel yang penuh bakteri tersebut. Pastikan Anda menyimpan tissue basah antibakteri untuk mengelap ponsel sebelum Anda menggunakannya.

2. Mengabaikan kacamata

Tulisan di kejauhan sudah mulai tak terbaca, tapi Anda masih saja tak mau memakai kacamata? Atau softlens yang biasa Anda pakai mungkin sudah tak akurat lagi karena minus mata sudah bertambah? Jika diabaikan, secara tak sadar Anda akan sering menyipitkan mata saat membaca. Efeknya, kulit cepat berkerut dan terlihat tua.

3. Hairspray

Banyak yang menganggap melindungi wajah dengan tangan saat menyemprot rambut dengan hairspray sudah cukup. Padahal partikel dari hairspray tetap bisa melewati celah-celah tangan dan menempel di wajah. Lain kali, tutupi wajah Anda dengan sehelai handuk bersih saat menyemprotkan hairspray.

4. Malas mengganti sarung bantal

Saat kita tidur, sel kulit mati di wajah akan luluh dan menempel di sarung bantal. Sel mati yang menumpuk itu lama-lama akan berubah menjadi bakteri dan racun. Jadi jika Anda malas mengganti sarung bantal, setiap malam Anda akan tidur di tumpukan bakteri. Hiiii...

5. Terlalu sering mandi air panas

Mandi air panas memang nikmat. Tapi jika dilakukan terlalu sering dan dengan durasi terlalu lama, lapisan luar epidermis akan terkikis dan kulit Anda akan jadi sangat kering.

6. Kacamata hitam berukuran besar

Kacamata hitam model ini adalah favorit para wanita. Tapi mereka seringkali lupa membersihkan kacamata tersebut sebelum memakainya. Padahal kacamata pastilah tidak steril, sementara ia akan menyentuh ujung hidung dan pipi kita selama kita memakainya.

Tips : Siapa Bilang Menabung Itu Sulit?

Tips : Siapa Bilang Menabung Itu Sulit?

Anda mempunyai gaji yang lebih dari cukup untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup, namun pernahkah Anda memikirkan untuk menyisihkan barang beberapa persen saja untuk menabung?

Memang sangat sulit untuk membiasakan diri menyisihkan sebagian penghasilan untuk ditabung sebagai investasi masa depan.

Nah, Freddy Pieloor, CFP, financial planner memiliki beberapa tips bagaimana mengatur pengeluaran sehingga dapat menyisihkan sedikit untuk tabungan.

Menurut Freddy, satu hal penting dalam mempersiapkan masa depan dengan berinvestasi adalah melakukannya di depan.

"Jadi, apabila Anda mendapat penghasilan (gaji) sebesar 100 persen, Anda langsung sisihkan minimum 20 persen terlebih dahulu untuk investasi. Sisanya sebesar 80 persen dapat Anda gunakan untuk membayar semua kebutuhan hidup, termasuk kartu kredit dan gaya hidup," jelas Freddy.

Hal penting lain, kata Freddy adalah tidak menggunakan kartu kredit (terlebih untuk berutang dan membeli barang konsumtif) jika tidak memiliki dana sekarang untuk membayar lunas saat tagihannya tiba.

Namun, apabila saat ini Anda masih memiliki sejumlah utang, lunasilah terlebih dahulu utang-utang tersebut (terutama utang yang berbunga tinggi) sebelum Anda memulai untuk berinvestasi.

"Ingat selalu "spedometer" yang ada di panel dasbor mobil, di mana pengemudi harus mengendarai mobil tersebut tidak melebihi batas kecepatan yang diperkenankan. Misalnya di spedometer tertulis 200 km/jam, pengemudi hanya boleh mencapai tingkat kecepatan 160 km/jam (80 persen)," ungkapnya.

Demikian halnya dengan seorang karyawan, kata Freddy, sebaiknya mengendarai kehidupannya dengan berbelanja tidak melebihi batas kecepatan (penghasilan) yang ada.

Ramadhan 2011 : Efek Puasa Terhadap Otak Manusia

Ramadhan 2011 : Efek Puasa Terhadap Otak Manusia

ramadhan, 2011, efek, puasa, terhadap, otak, manusia,

Ada anggapan berpuasa membuat orang lemas hingga orang berpuasa akan semakin malas berpikir atau dengan kata lain membuat orang semakin bodoh. Namun ternyata fakta itu tidak benar.

Menurut Rektor Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Sumatera Utara, Prof Ahmad Fadil berpuasa sebenarnya membuat seseorang semakin cerdas. Hal itu diungkapkannya saat memberikan tausiyah pada acara buka puasa bersama di Kantor Kejaksaan Tinggi Sumatera Utara, Jalan AH Nasution, Medan belum lama ini.

Menurut Ahmad Fadil, berdasarkan hasil penelitian, orang lapar orang lebih cerdas dibanding orang yang tidak lapar. "Itu mengapa orang yang tinggal di negerinya sendiri tidak lebih sukses dibanding yang merantau," ujarnya.

Bagi perantau tantangan hidupnya lebih besar. Pada saat banyak tantangannya, otak akan bekerja lebih keras dan akan menjadi lebih cerdas. "Sehingga salah kalau berpendapat kalau puasa makin bodoh, sebenarnya kenyanglah yang membuat orang jadi bodoh, karena cenderung malas," ungkapnya.

Ia pun mengajak para jamaah buka puasa bersama untuk lebih memaksimalkan akalnya pada saat berpuasa untuk mendekatkan diri kepada Allah SWT. Serta berharap puasa yang hanya tersisa dua puluh hari lagi tidak disia-siakan.

Ramadhan 2011 : Banyak Program Sahur di TV Tidak Islami

Ramadhan 2011 : Banyak Program Sahur di TV Tidak Islami

ramadhan, 2011, banyak, program, sahur, di, tv, tidak, islami,

Ulama Sumatera Barat Prof. Syamsul Bahri Khatib menilai tayangan waktu sahur dan berbuka terutama acara komedi hanya memberikan hiburan, namun tidak memberikan pencerahan dan tidak mengajak masyarakat untuk lebih dekat dengan Allah.

"Tayangan televisi saat sahur dan berbuka lebih banyak menampilkan program komedi yang minim nilai relijius dan jauh dari nilai-nilai Ramadan," jelas Syamsul Bahri Khatib yang juga menjabat sebagai ketua Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) Sumatera Barat di Padang.

"Hal itu juga bertentangan dengan nilai-nilai Ramadan di mana seharusnya lebih banyak ditayangkan program yang membuat penonton semakin dekat kepada Allah, memberikan nilai-nilai yang baik serta pencerahan bagi masyarakat dan menjadikan mereka semakin menghayati nilai-nilai Ramadan," imbuhnya.

Syamsul yang juga staf pengajar Intitut Agama Islam Negri (IAIN) Imam Bonjol Padang melanjutkan, penyelenggara televisi berusaha mengemas acara yang menarik agar banyak ditonton masyarakat. Jika acara yang ditayangkan mendapat rating tinggi akan menunjang keberlangsungan hidup stasiun televisi tersebut.

"Namun jangan sampai karena mengejar rating, nilai-nilai dan pesan Ramadan yang hendak disampaikan menjadi bias," imbuhnya.

Ia berpesan kepada masyarakat agar lebih selektif dalam memilih acara televisi saat Ramadan. "Sebaiknya menonton acara yang memiliki nilai kebaikan dan meningkatkan ilmu dan pemahaman terhadap agama," tandasnya.

Mac OS Surpasses Linux as Primary Software Development Environment in North America

Mac OS Surpasses Linux as Primary Software Development Environment in North America - The Mac operating systems has surpassed Linux in popularity as a development environment in North America according to the recently released Evans Data North American Development survey.

Santa Cruz, CA (PRWEB) August 09, 2011
The Mac operating systems has surpassed Linux in popularity as a development environment in North America according to the recently released Evans Data North American Development survey. Although Windows remains overwhelmingly the most popular operating system for development with over 80% of developers using it, Linux has slipped to third place with only 5.6 percent using it as their primary development platform, while 7.9 percent now use Mac OS.

"Apple has made tremendous strides in the last few years with innovative products and technologies," said Janel Garvin, CEO of Evans Data Corp. "So it’s quite reasonable to see developers adopting the Mac and its OS as a development environment. Windows firmly remains king, but developers are obviously attracted to Apple’s devices, while at the same time Linux has lost some of its luster after years of only single digit adoption.”

Mac OS has not, however, displaced Linux as a development target. Still more than twice as many developers primarily target Linux as do Mac.

Other highlights from this comprehensive survey of over 400 professional software developers in North America, conducted June 2011 include:
  • Developers believe Mobile and Cloud development will increase the most in importance over the next three years, followed distantly by open source and plug-in architecture. The DevOps phenomenon will be least important.

  • Adobe’s BlazeDS is being well received in North America with over a third of developers using or expecting to use this.

  • Almost half (47.3%) of North American developers use or expect to use Java ME.

The Evans Data North American Development survey is conducted bi-annually and is part of the Global Development Survey series. It explores a wide range of development topics including language and platform adoption, mobile development, cloud development, SOA, Database development and other technology adoption.

See complete Table of Contents for the latest edition here:

Tags : Mac OS Surpasses Linux as Primary Software Development Environment in North America, Linux, Mac Os

How Google Can Save Android from Patent Lawsuits

How Google Can Save Android from Patent Lawsuits - Android's open-source code and ready availability to manufacturers are boons to developing economies and high-tech corporations alike, from "community knowledge workers" in Uganda to companies like HTC and Samsung. Both corporations are under fire by Apple, though, which is trying (and succeeding) to ban their Android smartphones and tablets using patent law.

Meanwhile, well-funded "patent trolls" like Lodsys are going after indie Android app developers, for supposedly infringing patents they didn't even know about and can't defend themselves against. What is Google to do, as the Android world fractures around it?

Google Exec John Lagerling says that "we have very strong paths that we can take to protect the values of Android". He wasn't very specific about what those "strong paths" entail, but I have an idea that might help:

Indemnify all Android manufacturers and developers.

In a nutshell, Google should step up and take responsibility, by assuming the costs of the ongoing patent lawsuits and protecting all current and future Android device manufacturers. It should also revise the Android Market developer's agreement, so that instead of shaking down Android developers individually, a patent troll like Lodsys will have to deal with the titan itself.

A bold move? Expensive and potentially suicidal, maybe? It's not completely unprecedented: In response to Microsoft's vague patent threats a few years ago, business software vendor Red Hat indemnified all of its customers against lawsuits. The key difference, though, was that in Red Hat's case, nobody ever sued anyone. The company wasn't stepping up to bat for others, it was calling Microsoft's bluff.

Google's, and Android's, situations are far more dangerous. For all that Apple's patents may be spurious (Apple sued Nokia over the exact same patents last year), Samsung's devices really do bear an uncanny resemblance to the iPhone and iPad. And Google itself seems to have been aware from the get-go that Android would have lots of patent issues, and to have decided to go ahead anyway.

That's why Google needs to do this.

The tech titan needs to own up to what it's done. Google's right when it points out, in blog posts, the unfairness of the patent system and the way it destroys innovation. But at the same time, Google widely touts Android's open-source code and supposed openness, while keeping mum about inconvenient truths like HTC's royalty payments to Microsoft.

Should HTC have to pay Microsoft, for the privilege of using something that neither of them invented? No way. So instead of paying the patent trolls, companies like HTC and Samsung should instead be paying Google a fee for the privilege of using its closed-source, exclusive apps, like Google Maps and the Android Market. That fee could go towards the costs of a long-term assault on the broken patent system. Meanwhile, Google could increase its Android Market developer fees, and win some decisive battles against Lodsys in order to dissuade other trolls from setting up literal toll booths.

It's either that, or downplay Android's "openness" in favor of a warning label: If you write any apps or build any smartphones that use this, you will be attacked.

Tags : How Google Can Save Android from Patent Lawsuits

New HostGator Joomla Install Guides and Videos Available at Joomla Hosting Reviews

People Installing Joomla for the first time know it is a challenging task. This is why Joomla Hosting Reviews created a series of simplified HostGator video install guides and step-by-step visual documentation. These install guides make installing Joomla a snap.

Atlanta, GA (PRWEB) August 11, 2011 has created several HostGator install guides to assist with installing Joomla. The guides cover installing Joomla using the standard web installer,Fantastico by cPanel, and the Hostgator QuickInstall App. Each guide includes both step-by-step documentation with screenshots and a video showing an actual Joomla installation with detailed narration. The video is hosted at Youtube for universal viewing. For those not familiar with hosting Joomla at hostgator check this HostGator Review.

Since Joomla is a database driven web application, Installation can be the most challenging part of creating a successful website. Some shy away because it seems too complex. Joomla Hosting Reviews saw the need while monitoring the Joomla community and decided to invest the time and effort in creating detailed helpful install guides. These guides are designed to be the simplest, most user-friendly articles available for the average user.

There are three methods of installing Joomla at HostGator. They are: the standard Joomla web installer, the HostGator QuickInstall App, and the Fantastico one-click installer.

The Standard Joomla Install Method. The traditional method of Installing Joomla at Hostgator is to use the standard web installer. The guide covers downloading Joomla, setting up the sever environment, then running the Install package. If you prefer watching a video, you are in luck. Joomla Hosting Reviews has added a video install guide. Illustrating this install method.

HostGator QuickInstall Joomla app. Developed by HostGator, the QuckInstall application simplifies installing joomla into a couple of steps. Just follow the guide and login to the HostGator cPanel to start.Fantastico a third party one-click installer, and the Fantastico HostGator Joomla Install guide shows you step-by step how it works. Fantastico has been providing installation support for many different web applications including Joomla.

Steven Johnson, Site administrator for Joomla Hosting Reviews said, “We literally spent months researching the most efficient ways to put together these tutorials so that they are easy to use and cover all essential points of a Joomla installation. We are hoping the Joomla and web hosting community will be much better off because of this work.” Regarding the latest redesign of Joomla Hosting Reviews, Steven said, “We’re are taking the knowledge we learned the hard way and passing it to others so they will save time and resources.”

Joomla Hosting Reviews, is owned and managed by Intown Web Design of Atlanta, GA. They are not related in any way with the Official Joomla Project or HostGator. It is a website that brings hosting and server help to the Joomla community.

They have worked with Joomla and web hosting for over six years and established themselves as a leader in user and expert reviews, advice and other helpful hosting information.Intown Web Design, located in Atlanta, Georgia focuses on web development for small to medium sized companies that are interested in functional, stylish, search engine optimized websites. The primary focus is Joomla but have experience in most other popular open source applications such as Drupal and WordPress.

Google to Open-Source Android App Inventor

Google's App Inventor is a free online tool that lets you build your own apps, for smartphones running its Android operating system. It doesn't require any programming experience, so you don't need to type a single line of code; just fit pieces together like in a puzzle.

Android is open-source, which means that the programming code is available online for free, for anyone who wants to take it and make something with it. App Inventor, however, is not, meaning that those who use it are dependent on Google's good graces to keep it open.

The bad news for App Inventor fans: Google's good graces are running out. The company has announced that it will take App Inventor down within the next 90 days. But the good news is that it has also said it will make the programming code open-source, so that anyone can use it on their own. It will also give special attention to "support[ing] the educational use of App Inventor."

Educational use? What's that mean?

A lot of high school computer classes use App Inventor to learn the basic concepts of programming, like how an app works behind the scenes, without getting hands dirty with code. Judging by the comments on Google's announcement, a lot of teachers and students are upset by Google's decision to take App Inventor down. Perhaps Google edited in its intent to support schools after the fact.

Can I still get started using App Inventor?

Yes, but keep in mind that Google's official App Inventor site is going to shut down in the next few months.

What do I do then?

Google will have someplace where you can download the open-source code to App Inventor, along with instructions for how to install it on your own web server.

I don't have a web server, and I'm pretty sure I wouldn't understand the instructions.

It's possible that somebody else likes App Inventor enough that he or she will create a new public version for others to use. That's what happened to Etherpad after Google bought it out; the Etherpad code was open-sourced, and pretty soon afterwards a bunch of public Etherpad sites opened up.

Can I use App Inventor to make and sell apps on the Android Market?

The App Inventor FAQ says no, you can't. But it's a well-known secret that you can perfectly well, as long as you know how to turn the file App Inventor creates into one that the Android Market will accept. Fortunately, there are a bunch of tutorials online that explain how to do this.

Giant iPhone table features working camera, buttons

giant, iPhone, table, features, working, camera, buttons, 2011, gadget, mobile,

iPhone owners are a dedicated lot, but we doubt many would go to the lengths that Benjamin Bachmeier did to show his devotion. The German Apple fan took it upon himself to built a larger-than-life version of a white iPhone 4, complete with massive display and working buttons. He calls his creation iTableous, and it's almost certainly the coolest iPhone tribute we've seen.

The massive phone — which can make calls through Skype functionality — stands nearly 4' tall when upright, but is much more useful as a table when secured to its custom stand. The screen is made of a 1080p HD widescreen display and is protected by 8mm of high-strength Plexiglass. The guts of the white monolith are capable of running both Windows 7 and Mac OS X operating systems (through dual booting), and a massive 500GB hard drive ensures that the mega smartphone will have plenty of room for apps.

The phone's gigantic buttons serve purposes like volume and fan speed control, and the front-facing camera is a fully-functional 5.7 megapixel lens. Unfortunately, if you're drooling on your keyboard at the prospect of owning the goliath iPhone, you better have your do-it-yourself hat on, because Bachmeier isn't planning on making another. Though if you're feeling ambitious, a collection of in-progress pictures can be found on Bachmeier's website.

Robo roaches dance to Gaga, not born this way

robo, roaches, dance, to, gaga, not, born, this, way, 2011,

Is your knee-jerk reaction to cockroaches, "Kill them with fire!" or anything similar? You are not alone. But it's a given that some people won't share your roachy woes, and you can't find a better example than the group of high school kids in Cooper Union's summer internship program. The young interns experimented on 15 imported Central American roaches as part of their neuroscience research.

Copper Union physics professor, Robert Uglesich, says the students removed part of the cockroaches' antennae and replaced them with wires. The result? Robo roaches that can receive signals from a toy controller. Anyone else envisioning an army of robo bugs? But it doesn't end there — the roaches can also receive other stimuli such as music. And what else should cyborg cockroaches dance to other than Lady Gaga? The interns tested it out, and as expected, the Gaga tune translated into electric signals, making the roaches do a twitchy dance.

The point of all their experimentation is to design a way of communication with the brain that can be used to replace or restore lost brain function in humans. Think prosthetics that could alleviate health problems related to the human brain. And that's only one of the possible applications that could come out of the study. Outside of the scholarly scheme of things, the students seem to have developed genuine fondness for the roaches — they even named one of them Sir Walter Raleigh II.

Natural Blondes

Blondes have more fun, or so they say. But there are a bevy of famous brunettes and redheads who were born blonde. Click ahead to see some stars who traded their flaxen locks for darker hues.

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