Minggu, 12 Juni 2011

Tutorial : Install binds books Advanced Guestbook's guest

Book guesting to constitute ordinary facility available at one particular sites. With marks sense that guest book therefore enable visitor to give tips or just as its comment.

If You want to add book facility expect a guest on Your sites without want scriptnya's cause giddiness, You can try tens script binds books free guests of Internets. One of that just fine (one that also been utilized on this sites) is Advanced Guestbook.

To install Advanced Guestbook its trick as follows:
1.  First downloads script Advanced Guestbook erstwhile from http://www. proxy proxy. de. Then extract goes to folder in c:\Inetpub\wwwroot (if You utilize PWS). E.g. c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\guestbook.

config.inc.php's file open, then changes setting on sectioned setting's database:

/* settings's database * /

"$GB_DB[ "dbName"] = "MyGuestbook";// database name that
                                 // utilized
"$GB_DB[ "host"] = "localhost"; // host's name
"$GB_DB[ "user"] = "root"; // username
"$GB_DB[ "pass"] = ""; // password

In this example database name that will be utilized to keep guest book is MyGuesbook.
2.  By use of browser (e.g. Internet Explorer), run install.php's file. If You install Advanced Guestbook at c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Guestbook therefore on Address bar of Internet Explorer You can insert http://localhost / guestbook / install. PHP /. Will appearance appearance as pictured as hereunder:

Since in advance we have made its database therefore click on the button Create New DB And Table. If in advance You have made MyGuestbook's table You can click on the button Create Table.
3.  If database makings process and successful table therefore will emerge order as follows:

Advanced Guestbook
and Tables were created successfully's database!

Your new is database: MyGuestBook
Your is host's Mysql: localhost
Your is username's Mysql: root

Click now here to setup the guestbook admin...

Click on link "Click now here to setup the guestbook admin... "
4.  On Guestbook Administration's page, insert username and password You. First time install usernamenya is "test" and passwordnya "123" (without sign plucks).

5.  If username and password what does You insert to be right, therefore You soon input go to page g u e s t b o o k A d. m i. N. On that page You can do various setting binds books to expect a guest. E.g., General setting is utilized to manage setting common of guest book as amount of data per page, language, notifikasi's enamel etcetera.

One that more importantly is You have shortly change username and password defaultnya, to Your data security.
6.  Safe tries..........

Implicit can at downloads here
Tutorial : Install binds books Advanced Guestbook's guest


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