Senin, 29 Agustus 2011

Bosscha: Lebaran Jatuh pada 31 Agustus 2011

Bosscha: Lebaran Jatuh pada 31 Agustus 2011 - Ngamprah (ANTARA) - Peneliti Observatorium Bosscha Bandung, Jawa Barat, Deva Octavian menegaskan bahwa hari lebaran 2011 atau 1 syawal 1432 Hijriah akan jatuh pada 31 Agustus 2011.

Penentuan itu merupakan hasil dari pengamatan dengan menggunakan pisau analisis ilmu astronomi yang dimilikinya. Oleh karena itu, ijtimak akhir Ramadhan 1432 Hijriah akan dilakukan pada Senin 29 Agustus pukul 10.04 WIB.
Bulan, bulan gerhana, gerhana bulan, bulan ramadhan, ramadhan 2011, idul fitri, hari raya, hari raya idul fitri, bulan penuh hikmah, hikmah ramadhan, hari lebaran, puasa, hilal
"Tinggi bulan saat matahari terbenam 29 Agustus di seluruh wilayah Indonesia kurang dari dua derajat. Dari data tersebut, hilal tidak mungkin dilihat di wilayah Indonesia. Dengan begitu, 1 Syawal 1432 Hijriah tanggal 30 Agustus setelah Maghrib. Jadi, masih ada Salat Tarawih pada 29 Agustus dan tidak ada tarawih tanggal 30 Agustus," ujarnya.

Dengan demikian sambungnya, puasa pada tahun 1432 Hijriah berjumlah 30 hari. Meski begitu, rencananya sidang itsbat penentuan 1 Syawal 1432 Hijriah akan dilakukan pada 29 Agustus.

"Makanya, tidak salah kalau yang menggunakan metode hisab dan rukyatul hilal dalam penentuan awal syawal akan berbeda. Sebab, 29 Agustus, hilal belum terlihat oleh mata karena dekat dengan matahari," katanya.

Pimpinan Pusat Muhammadiyah, Abdul Fattah Wibisono mengatakan, Muhammadiyah sudah menentukan bahwa hari raya tahun ini jatuh pada Selasa (30/8).

Keputusan itu merupakan hasil perhitungan hisab tim Muhammadiyah. Saat matahari terbenam pada hari ke-29 Ramadhan, posisi hilal ada di atas ufuk dengan ketinggian 1 derajat 55 menit.

35 petugas Sebelumnya, Peneliti observatorium Bosscha Bandung, Deva Octavian mengatakan 35 orang akan diterjunkan dalam penentuan hari lebaran atau 1 syawal 1432 Hijirah. Personil sebanyak itu akan mengamati hilal pada 16 titik yang telah ditentukan.

Jumlah sebanyak itu merupakan gabungan dari Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika (Kemenkominfo), Observatorium Bosscha, Rukyatul Hilal Indonesia, Lapan, serta sejumlah perguruan tinggi. Sedangkan untuk pengamatan hilal akan dilakukan pada 29 dan 30 Agustus mulai pukul 16.00 WIB.

"Secara prinsip kerja dalam penentuan hari awal puasa dengan lebaran atau 1 syawal tidak ada bedanya karena sama-sama mengamati hilal," ujarnya.

Jumlah pengamat dan titik pengamatan hilal untuk penentuan 1 syawal 1432 Hijriah lebih banyak dari pada pengamatan hilal untuk menentukan awal Ramadhan yang hanya melibatkan 30 orang untuk 14 titik saja. Disampaikannya, Kemenkominfo memang sengaja memperbanyak jumlah titik pengamatan hilal, hal itu karena lebih mempermudah pengamatan dan menjamin ketepatannya. Karena bisa jadi, pengamatan yang dilakukan di suatu daerah terhalangi, tapi di daerah lainnya bisa dilakukan.

Tags : lebaran 2011 ,lebaran ,lebaran 2011 jatuh pada tanggal ,lebaran tahun 2011 ,lebaran 2012 ,lebaran indonesia 2011 ,lebaran holiday ,lebara nl ,lebaran date indonesia ,lebaran 2011 tanggal berapa ,ramadan 2011 ,ramadan ,ramadan 2011 usa ,ramadan 2012 ,ramadan dates 2011 ,ramadan 2011 calendar ,ramadan rules ,ramadan calendar ,ramadan fasting ,ramadan 2010

Jumat, 19 Agustus 2011

Putar Musik Romantis, Wanita Pasti Kepincut

Putar Musik Romantis, Wanita Pasti Kepincut
Putar Musik Romantis, Wanita Pasti Kepincut
Putar Musik Romantis, Wanita Pasti Kepincut
Musik mengungkapkan segalanya. Ungkapan itu ternyata benar-benar berpengaruh bagi kaum Hawa. Berdasarkan penelitian, wanita benar-benar tersihir saat mendengarkan musik romantis. Media Newslite mewartakan, Rabu (17/8), penelitian yang dilakukan terhadap 87 perempuan mengungkapkan, rata-rata dari mereka bertemu dengan pasangannya setelah dimainkan musik romantis.
Putar Musik Romantis, Wanita Pasti Kepincut
Sebagian dari kaum Hawa akan menerima pernyataan cinta para pria setelah mendengarkan musik romantis sebagai latar belakangnya. Sementara itu, 52 persen dari mereka yang mendengarkan musik romantis bersedia menetapkan waktu berkencan dibandingkan dengan wanita yang mendengarkan lagu biasa.
Putar Musik Romantis, Wanita Pasti Kepincut
"Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa isi lagu tidak terbatas sebagai tekanan terhadap seseorang, tapi memengaruhi spektrum perilaku. Hasil yang menarik bagi para ilmuwan yang bekerja pada efek musik yang menjadi latar belakang terhadap perilaku individu," ungkap Nicolas Gueguen, psikolog asal Prancis.(ANS)
Putar Musik Romantis, Wanita Pasti Kepincut

Dua Pria Inggris Dipenjarakan karena Hasut Kerusuhan di Facebook

Dua Pria Inggris Dipenjarakan karena Hasut Kerusuhan di Facebook
Facebook, FACEBOOK
Dua pria yang berusaha untuk menggunakan situs jaringan sosial Facebook guna menghasut kerusuhan dalam kekacauan sipil yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya pada pekan lalu di Inggris, pada Selasa dipenjarakan selama empat tahun, kata polisi.
Dua Pria Inggris Dipenjarakan karena Hasut Kerusuhan di Facebook
Jordan Blackshaw, 20, dari Cheshire dan Perry Sutcliffe-Keenan, 22, dari Warrington, keduanya di Ingggris baratlaut, dipenjarakan karena membuat halaman Facebook yang menyerukan kerusuhan di kota kediaman mereka.

Halaman Blackshaw, "Smash Down Northwich Town", telah mendorong orang untuk berkumpul di "belakang maccies" -- yang dipercaya sebagai restoran McDonald di pusat kota Northwich -- Selasa lalu.
Dua Pria Inggris Dipenjarakan karena Hasut Kerusuhan di Facebook
Situs buatan Sutcliffe-Keenan, "Let`s Have a Riot in Latchford", meminta orang untuk membuat kerusuhan pada hari berikutnya.
Dua Pria Inggris Dipenjarakan karena Hasut Kerusuhan di Facebook
"Hukuman yang dijatuhkan hari ini mengakui bagaimana teknologi dapat disalahgunakan untuk menghasut aktivitas kejahatan dan mengirim pesan kuat pada para pembuat masalah potensial," kata Phil Thompson, kepala asisten polisi Cheshire.

"Siapa saja yang berusaha untuk merusak maka akan menghadapi kekuatan penuh hukum."
Dua Pria Inggris Dipenjarakan karena Hasut Kerusuhan di Facebook
Lima orang tewas dalam hiruk-pikuk penjarahan dan pembakaran yang meluas di London dan kota-kota besar lainnya di Inggris.
Dua Pria Inggris Dipenjarakan karena Hasut Kerusuhan di Facebook
Jaksa Martin McRobb mengatakan halaman Facebook telah menimbulkan "kepanikan sekali dan reaksi mendadak" di antara masyarakat setempat.

"Jordan Blackshaw dan Perry Sutcliffe yang dengan bebas dan dari rumah mereka yang selamat mungkin berpikir bahwa akan bisa diterima membuat halaman Facebook untuk menghasut orang lain mengambil bagian dalam kekacauan di Cheshire," katanya. "Mereka salah."

Tags : Kerusuhan yang Diakibatkan Oleh Facebook, Kerusuhan di Facebook, Facebook
FACEBOOK, Facebook, FACEBOOK, Facebook, FACEBOOK, Facebook, FACEBOOK, Facebook, FACEBOOK, Facebook, FACEBOOK, Facebook, FACEBOOK, Facebook, FACEBOOK, Facebook, FACEBOOK, Facebook, FACEBOOK, Facebook

Kamis, 18 Agustus 2011

Android : 2011, 15% Tablet ahold Android Market

Android : 2011, 15% Tablet ahold Android Market

Tablet computer-based Google's Android operating system are expected to master the 15 percent of the world market in 2011. This means that the tablets Android will be the toughest competitor of the iPad.

This prediction is itself released by IMS Research, who also expects Android tablets will control 28 percent share of the tablets in 2015. Some hardware makers that will sell the tablets Android, including Samsung, Dell, Motorola and Cisco.

Samsung has made the biggest bet on Android tablets, with the launch of Galaxy for T-Mobile, Sprint and Verizon Wireless in the U.S., with the launch of AT & T set for November 21. Samsung expects to sell 1 million tablets in 2010 holiday season alone.

"The availability of the Samsung tablet Galaxy Tab through mobile operators such as AT & T in the United States will rapidly increase the presence of Google's Android in the tablet market," said IMS Research analyst Anna Hunt, as reported by eWeek, Thursday (18/11/2010).

While Hunt also predict the tablets will control 75 percent of the market or more at this time next year.

Popularity skyrocketed after the tablet itself was launched in April, selling millions of units in the first few months, until now managed to sell as many as 4.19 million in the fourth quarter alone.

Tags : Android : 2011, 15% Tablet ahold Android Market, Android, Tablet Android

Android : Sharp 3D LYNX Android Smartphone 3.8-inch New No Need Glasses 3D LYNX 3DSharp Android Smartphone 3.8-inch New No Need 3D Glasses

Android : Sharp 3D LYNX Android Smartphone 3.8-inch New No Need Glasses 3D LYNX 3DSharp Android Smartphone 3.8-inch New No Need 3D Glasses

In addition to launching Android smartphone capable of displaying 3D without glasses the Sharp Galapagos 3D, Sharp was also launched its latest smartphone called Sharp LYNX 3D SH-03C for NTT DoCoMo in Japan. 3D Android smartphone offers qualified specifications with 1 GHz processor, 9.6 Mp camera, digital tv tuner, 3.8-inch screen size.

3D mobile device will use the Android operating system 2.1 even though the carrier will offer the update to version 2.2 can support Flash 10.1 and tethering capability.

Tags : Android : Sharp 3D LYNX Android Smartphone 3.8-inch New No Need Glasses 3D LYNX 3DSharp Android Smartphone 3.8-inch New No Need 3D Glasses, Android, Android smartphone

Android : Barnes And Noble Android Nook Color gets app SDK

Android : Barnes And Noble Android Nook Color gets app SDK

Barnes & Noble has finally released the software development kit for the Android-powered Nook Color and this could lead to multiple apps on the color e-reading tablet.

While the Nook Color is powered by Android, it won’t be able to access the more than 100,000 apps in the Android Market. Barnes & Noble did say that it would be relatively simple to port existing programs over, although it will vet these apps for various criteria.

First of all, you can expect Barnes & Noble to axe the apps with excessive violence or nudity but it will also stop competitors from getting on its platform. Don’t look for the Amazon Kindle app to show up on the Nook Color anytime soon even though porting the Android app should be relatively simple.
With a 7-inch color touchscreen and decent hardware under the hood, the Nook Color could be a decent mobile gaming device. While I’m not expecting the next Rage HD to pop up on it, I could easily see a crossword game or Words With Friends being a bit hit with the e-reader crowd.

Will this be enough to make the Barnes & Noble tablet a big success? It’s tough to tell. While the e-reader has a nice price tag at $250, it may never garner the amount of apps that the Apple iPad has right now.

Additionally, we’re in line to see a glut of Android apps from the likes of Motorola and others that will be able to access many of the programs from the market. We may also start to see a price war for Android tablets and that makes the Nook Color price tag not as appealing.

Still, this is a positive sign for Barnes & Noble Nook Color users, as it will give them more things to do with that tablet.

Tags : Android : Barnes And Noble Android Nook Color gets app SDK, Android, SDK

Android : Like What Specifications Nexus S?

android, like what specification,

Android : Like What Specifications Nexus S?

Nexus S will be a Google phone successor Nexus. Gingerbread Android phones with features similar specifications Galaxy S.

Samsung seems to now have the upper hand in terms of Android phones. Superior product in this sphere is the Galaxy's proven quite popular.

As announced in the official Google blog on Tuesday (07/12/2010), Samsung is finally officially introduced as Google's partner in making the Nexus S.

What kind of specs Nexus S? Here are some of the data collected ITGazine:

* Nexus S will have a 1 GHz processor Samsung Hummingbird. This processor, similar to that used in the Galaxy, based on ARM Cortex A8.
* Nexus S has a 512 MB memory, equivalent to a 'standard' when it used the iPhone 4 and Galaxy S.
* As promised Google CEO Eric Schmidt, Nexus S will have a Near Field Communication devices. NFC can be used for financial transactions via short-range wireless connection.
* Nexus's graphic capability is reinforced by the PowerVR SGX 540. Same with the S Galaxy, a little different with the iPhone 4 (SGX 535).
Nexus S * Capacity is 16GB, the same as the iPhone 4 16GB and different from the Galaxy (internal 8GB, 16GB via microSD).
* Nexus S has two cameras. One on the back (5MP) and one in front (VGA). In the back there are LED lights to help the lighting.
* The screen is used similar to the Galaxy, namely the Super-sized AMOLED 4 inches with a resolution of 800 x 480.
* A unique, Nexus S screen has a curved shape for comfort when used for the call.
android, nexus
Tags : Android : Like What Specifications Nexus S?, Android, Nexus S

Android : Huawei's Low-cost IDEOS Android Phone Coming

Android : Huawei's Low-cost IDEOS Android Phone Coming

Huawei may be a name not too popular with many, but the company has its presence in devices that you may be using. Like your Tata Photon+ or a similar USB 3G dongle is mostly made by them. But now, the Chinese giant is waving its flag big-time with three Android phone launches in the country one after the other.

The first one will be launched this month in the under Rs. 10k bracket - the IDEOS U8150; as Indian Android enthusiast blog reports. It is expected to be priced at under Rs. 8,000 but does not miss out on key features that we really care for - like a 2.8 inch (that's not it), QVGA (nope, no excitement there), "Capacitive" (YES, that's the one) touch-screen. The second sixer the IDEOS U8150 strikes is Android 2.2 (Froyo) at launch, while competing models like the Samsung Galaxy 5 i5500 or even the Micromax Andro still run Android 2.1 with no confidence that they'll ever get updated to 2.2. A worrisome part about this phone is the kinda slow 528 MHz processor; while the other two we mentioned, have 600 MHz ones.

Now, in our experience, 528 megs has turned out to be incapable to run the UI smoothly or perform tasks like playing a DivX video. Let's hope the interface is smoother due to the Android 2.2's speed optimizations. Rest of the specs are pretty good for an under 8k phone - Wi-Fi, 3G, GPS, 3.5mm jack and a 3.2 megapixel camera. If the phone is actually priced at Rs. 7,000, it will make buying the Resistive screen plagued Micromax Andro A60 absolutely redundant. It will also serve up a good competition for the Samsung Galaxy 5 - if and only if that 528 MHz processor bottleneck doesn't slow down the UI too much.

That is what's coming down this month, but looks like the company has bigger plans for the months to follow. As TelecomYatra reports, two mid-range Huawei IDEOS branded phones - the X5 and the X6 - will reach the Indian shores by mid-January 2011. Both are similar in terms of specs. Like the X5 comes with a 3.8-inch capacitive screen, while the X6 has a bigger 4.1-inch 800 x 480 pixel one.
android, huawei's android phones
Both support Dolby mobile sound enhancement and 3G speeds of up to 14.4 Mbps. Both have 5 megapixel auto-focus cameras that can also record 720p video. The X6 is powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 1 GHz processor. Lastly, both also have an HDMI port (mini-HDMI, we assume) to hook 'em up to a bigger screen. Pricing details of these phones are not disclosed as yet

Tags : Android : Huawei's Low-cost IDEOS Android Phone Coming, Android, Huawei's Android Phones

Android : Google Maps 5.0 for Android Adds 3D, Offline Access

Android : Google Maps 5.0 for Android Adds 3D, Offline Access

Google on Thursday released an updated version of Google Maps for Android that incorporates 3D capabilities and offline access.

Since the launch of Google Maps for mobile five years ago, map views have consistently "remained the same: a flat, north-up map and the need for a strong Internet connection," Google said in a blog post. "Today, we're changing that for the first time."

Rather than downloading maps as set of small, square images stitched together to form a map, Google Map 5.0 will use vector graphics to dynamically draw a map, Google said. This will allow for tilting when you drag down with two fingers. "Tilt while zoomed in on one of the 100+ cities around the world with 3D buildings to see a skyline spring to life," Google said.

Users can also twist with two fingers to rotate, pinch to zoom, and access a compass mode.

"Center the map on your location, and then tap the compass button in the top right corner," Google said. "The map will flip into 3D mode and start rotating to match your perspective, while still keeping all the labels upright and readable."

Using vector graphics will require 100 times less data to get maps across all zoom levels, so Google said it will be able to cache large areas on your phone based on where you use Maps the most. As a result, you can refer back to those maps when you're in an area without Internet connectivity.

"This way, you can rely on having fast, robust maps available to you where you're most likely to need them," Google said.

Google Maps 5.0 will automatically start caching most-visited areas when a device is plugged in and connected to Wi-Fi. "We're already hard at work improving the algorithms and technology behind these features, so over time you can expect to see maps work better in more offline situations," Google said.

These offline capabilities will also extend to Google Maps Navigation beta, the company's free turn-by-turn GPS navigation feature. It will now support offline rerouting in case you drop a connection en route, though users will still need connectivity to start a route. Google will start rolling out the feature in the next few weeks.

To download, search Google Maps in the Android Market. 3D and offline capabilities require Android 2.0 or higher.

Tags : Android : Google Maps 5.0 for Android Adds 3D, Offline Access, Android, Google Maps 5.0 for Android

Android : Acer's Android tablet (and its gyroscope) previewed on video

Android : Acer's Android tablet (and its gyroscope) previewed on video

While Acer wasn't willing to let us power on its forthcoming Android tablets at its press event last month, it looks like the company just doesn't have the same kind of control over its partners or employees. Three videos of what appears to be Acer's 10-inch Android tablet have popped up on YouTube, and not only is the slate powered on, but the footage provides a pretty clear look at some of Acer's custom Android apps.

The entire UI looks like it's still in a beta stage and the video itself looks like it is some sort of internal test demo -- don't forget Acer is planning to ship these with Honeycomb in April -- but the company seems to be messing around with gyroscope-based page turns and some unique zoom gestures within the photo / e-reader application. We're assuming the tablet is running Froyo as there's a quick peek at the homescreen and app drawer in the first video, but other than that we're really at a loss for details here. Hit the break for the trio of videos and to see it all for yourself. Oh, and Acer, if you send us one, we promise to go easier on the screen (see 0:12 of video three) than this lady... just sayin'!

Tags : Android : Acer's Android tablet (and its gyroscope) previewed on video, Android, Acer's Android Tablets

Android : Axioo Pico Pad 7 Inch Enters Tablet Market

Android : Axioo Pico Pad 7 Inch Enters Tablet Market

One more 7-inch tablet Indonesia is ready to hit the market next year: Axioo Pico Pad.

Not to be outdone by the national team last night by stunning gocekan ball. Toshiba, a vendor from Indonesia to the global achievement of this bewitching Android-based gadget fans with a tablet that has been labeled Google certified.

What does it mean? According to Budi Wahyu Jati (Director - Corporate Division, Toshiba), Pico Pad lets users direct access to Google's Market and is always up to date with a variety of new applications that were there.

"If [the devices] are not yet certified to Google, users simply access a web site that is provided by the vendor to download the application," said Budi told reporters on the sidelines of the launch of the Pico Pad today (30/12) in Jakarta.

In addition, devices that are powered 600MHz Qualcomm processor and 512MB RAM it has the privilege of speaking menus batik Indonesia and nuance. "It's special to offer to the user's Indonesia," said Budi. But unfortunately this batik Pico Pad by Budi Wahyu Jati will not be sold to another country with a market Toshiba, such as the ASEAN countries and Europe.

Axioo Pico Pad adopt the Android operating system version 2.2, with the default Internet connection can accommodate HSDPA. Tablets that include grades 7 inches is expected to be thrown into the market at a price of about Rp 4 million. For completeness, bundling Toshiba 16GB MicroSD type memory card on Pico Pad.

Axioo questioned the possibility of making a tablet with the Android operating system other than, "While we are still with Android roadmap," Budi said diplomatically. According to Android offers a wealth of interesting content. In fact, Toshiba has been launched to embrace local developers to contribute more to Google Market.

Meanwhile, according to David Kartono (VP Product Development & International Sales, Toshiba), the operating system that is on the rise was chosen because it saw the development of the number and enthusiasm of its users. "They say until June 2010, Android users increased 160 thousand per day," said David. This, he said sure, will drive the technology and its market.

Tags : Android : Axioo Pico Pad 7 Inch Enters Tablet Market, Android, Axioo Pico Pad

Android : 8 Alasan OS Android Kuasai Dunia

Android : 8 Alasan OS Android Kuasai Dunia

Sistem operasi Android baru saja menjungkalkan Symbian, sebagai OS mobile terpopuler di dunia. Ini adalah tonggak yang penting bagi Google dan memberikan sinyal bahwa Android memang akan mendominasi ranah ponsel sejagat.

Kira-kira, apa sebabnya Android bisa melesat dan menguasai pasar smartphone dengan cepat? Berikut ada delapan alasannya.

1. Setiap Versi Bertambah Baik

Dengan upgrade rutin yang dilakukan, setiap versi Android dijamin semakin baik performa maupun fiturnya. Versi terbaru yakni Android 3.0 atau Honeycomb menjanjikan penambahan kualitas yang signifikan.

2. Smartphone Android Memang Bagus

Kesuksesan Android tidak lepas dari smartphone pengusung OS ini, yang memiliki bermacam fitur bagus. Sebut saja Droid X, Galaxy S sampai HTC Evo memiliki banyak kelebihan sehingga konsumen tertarik membelinya.

3. Membiarkan RIM Terlena

Pada awalnya, Google seakan terkesan membiarkan BlackBerry dari RIM menguasai pasar enterprise. Penjualan Android lebih terfokus pada konsumen umum. Namun setelah sukses di pasar consumer, kini Android mulai membidik pebisnis dan makin banyak kalangan korporat memakai Android ketimbang BlackBerry.

4. Dengan Sedikit Model, Apple Tidak Dapat Melawan Android

Dengan hanya memasarkan iPhone 3GS dan iPhone 4, Apple semakin kelabakan melawan Android. Lusinan smartphone Android bukanlah lawan yang sebanding meski iPhone sebenarnya masih sangat laris.

5. Penurunan Pangsa Pasar Microsoft

Peruntungan Microsoft di ranah OS mobile kurang baik belakangan ini. Peluncuran Windows Phone 7 dinilai terlambat dan pangsa pasar mereka menurun. Hal ini memberi celah bagi Android meraih semakin banyak kue pasar smartphone.

6. Nokia Sempoyongan

Dari yang semula sangat dominan menguasai arena smartphone, Nokia kini mulai sempoyongan. Salah satu alasannya, OS Symbian yang kukuh mereka pakai dianggap ketinggalan zaman dibandingkan Android. Jadilah konsumen mulai banyak melirik OS robot hijau.

7. Dukungan Vendor Kelas Atas

Dukungan penuh vendor kelas atas amat membantu melonjakkan popularitas Android. Bahkan mungkin tanpa dukungan nama-nama seperti Samsung, Motorola dan HTC yang menyajikan ponsel berkelas, Android tidak bakal sesukses sekarang.

8. Keampuhan Merek Google

Reputasi merek Google yang hebat membuat para konsumen tidak meragukan Android. Mereka sepertinya memercayai Android akan memberikan sebuah pengalaman memakai smartphone yang bisa mereka nikmati.

Tags : Android : 8 Alasan OS Android Kuasai Dunia, Android, 8 Alasan OS Androis Kuasai Dunia

Android : Android Galaxy Mini Dibanderol Rp 1,6 Juta

Android : Android Galaxy Mini Dibanderol Rp 1,6 Juta

Telkomsel bersama Samsung meluncurkan paket bundling smartphone berbasis Android, Samsung Galaxy Mini. Paket smartphone seri S5570 yang sudah dilengkapi kartu perdana Simpati ini dibanderol seharga Rp 1.599.000.

VP Channel Management Telkomsel Gideon Edie Purnomo berharap paket Samsung Galaxy Mini Telkomsel ini bisa membuat layanan berbasis Android ini bisa dinikmati masyarakat dengan harga terjangkau.

"Ini merupakan salah satu upaya kami dalam menyediakan solusi layanan mobile lifestyle berkualitas dengan harga yang semakin terjangkau, khususnya bagi kawula muda yang selalu mengikuti tren perkembangan teknologi terbaru," ujarnya di Jakarta, Sabtu (19/2/2011).

Pasar pengguna smartphone berbasis Android di Indonesia meningkat secara signifikan dalam kurun waktu satu tahun terakhir. Pada tahun 2010, Android menempati posisi ketiga sebagai sistim operasi smartphone yang paling banyak digunakan dengan tingkat pertumbuhan pengguna lebih dari 200 kali lipat dibandingkan 2009.

Yoo-young Kim, Managing Director PT Samsung Electronics Indonesia, melihat perkembangan smartphone Android tidak hanya di kalangan profesional namun juga bagi anak muda. Anak muda dinilai sebagai pasar yang tepat karena memiliki semangat ingin mencoba pengalaman baru.

"Melalui Samsung Galaxy Mini dengan sistem operasi Android Froyo, anak muda dapat menikmati pengalaman menyenangkan dengan berbagai macam aplikasi dan social hub yang telah terintegrasi sehingga memungkinkan mereka memilih cara berhubungan dengan sahabat dan keluarga," ucapnya.

"Bersama Telkomsel, kami ingin memberikan manfaat lebih agar anak muda dapat lebih leluasa menikmati pengalaman bersama Samsung Galaxy Mini," pungkas Yoo-young Kim.

Samsung Galaxy Mini merupakan smartphone dengan desain trendi yang memanfaatkan sistem operasi Android 2.2 Froyo, didukung prosesor berkecepatan 600 MHz.

Smartphone dengan layar sentuh berukuran 3,14 inci ini menyediakan berbagai fitur, seperti memori internal 160 MB, kamera 3 megapiksel, radio FM, bluetooth, GPS, konektivitas 3G yang sudah mendukung HSDPA, serta slot microSD berkapasitas hingga 32 GB, dan Wi-Fi.

Paket Samsung Galaxy Mini Telkomsel memberikan penawaran layanan akses internet unlimited TelkomselFlash seharga Rp 50.000 perbulan yang bisa digunakan untuk browsing, email, chatting, dan social networking.

"Untuk mendapatkan paket tersebut, pelanggan cukup menghubungi *253*557# atau mengirimkan SMS, ketik ULMINI, kirim ke 3636," jelas Gideon.

Paket bundling Samsung Galaxy Mini Telkomsel ini mulai dipasarkan di lebih dari 50 gerai ponsel berlogo Samsung di Jakarta, Bandung, Medan, Pekanbaru, Padang, Palembang, Bandar Lampung, Batam, Banjarmasin, Pontianak, Balikpapan, Samarinda, Makassar, Kendari, Palu, dan Manado.

Saat berlangsungnya pameran penjualan di Plaza EX, Jakarta, 19 Februari 2011, pelajar dan mahasiswa bisa memperoleh harga spesial Rp 1.299.000, cukup dengan menunjukkan kartu pelajar atau kartu mahasiswa ketika melakukan transaksi pembelian.

Untuk mendukung kenyamanan pelanggan saat menikmati berbagai aplikasi Android dalam Samsung Galaxy Mini, Telkomsel telah menyiapkan jaringan broadband yang didukung lebih dari 37.000 Base Transceiver Station (BTS) termasuk 8.000 Node B (BTS 3G) di seluruh Indonesia.

Tags : Android : Android Galaxy Mini Dibanderol Rp 1,6 Juta, Android, Android Galaxy Mini

Android : Customizing the Action Bar

Android : Customizing the Action Bar

[This post is by Nick Butcher, an Android engineer who notices small imperfections, and they annoy him. — Tim Bray]
Since the introduction of the Action Bar design pattern, many applications have adopted it as a way to provide easy access to common actions. In Android 3.0 (or Honeycomb to its friends) this pattern has been baked in as the default navigation paradigm and extended to take advantage of the extra real-estate available on tablets. By using the Action Bar in your Honeycomb-targeted apps, you'll give your users a familiar way to interact with your application. Also, your app will be better prepared to scale across the range of Android devices that will be arriving starting in the Honeycomb era.

Just because Action Bars are familiar, doesn’t mean that they have to be identical! The following code samples and accompanying project demonstrate how to style the Action Bar to match your application’s branding. I’ll demonstrate how to take Honeycomb’s Holo.Light theme and customise it to match this blog’s colour scheme.


This step is easy; I’ll use the wonderful Android Asset Studio to create an icon in my chosen colour scheme. For extra credit, I’ll use this image as a starting point to create a more branded logo.


Next up, the navigation section of the Action Bar operates in three different modes; I’ll tackle each of these in turn.


The Action Bar’s standard navigation mode simply displays the title of the activity. This doesn’t require any styling... next!


To the left, a standard list drop-down; to the right, the effect we want to achieve.

The default styling in list navigation mode has a blue colour scheme. This is evident when touching the collapsed control in both the top bar, and the selection highlight in the expanded list. We can theme this element by overriding android:actionDropDownStyle with a custom style to implement our colour scheme:
The above uses a combination of state list drawables and 9 patch images to style the collapsed spinner, the top bar of the expanded list and sets the highlight colour when picking an item.


Here are the before-and-after shots on the tab navigation control:

The tab navigation control uses the standard blue colouring. We can apply a custom style to android:actionBarTabStyle to set our own custom drawable that uses our desired palette:


Before-and-after on the individual items in the Action Bar:

The individual action items inherit the default blue background when selected. We can customise this behaviour by overridingandroid:selectableItemBackground and setting a shape drawable with our desired colouring:
The overflow menu also needs some attention as when expanded it shows a blue bar at the top of the list. We can override android:popupMenuStyle and set a custom drawable (in fact the very same drawable we previously used for list navigation) for the top of the overflow menu:
Selecting items within the overflow menu also show the default selection colour. We can set our customised selection colour by overridingandroid:dropDownListViewStyle:
These changes gets us most of the way there but it’s attention to detail that makes an app. Check boxes and radio buttons within menu items in the overflow section are still using the default assets which have a blue highlight. Let’s override them to fit in with our theme:
@drawable/ad_btn_check_holo_light @drawable/ad_btn_radio_holo_light


I’ve left the background transparent as inheriting form Holo.Light works well for our desired palette. If you’d like to customise it you easily override theandroid:background item on the android:actionBarStyle style:

Bringing it all together

Putting all of these components together we can create a custom style:
We can then apply this style to either an individual activity or to the entire application:
Note that some of the system styles that we have overridden in this example will affect much more than the Action Bar. For example overriding android:selectableItemBackground will effect many widgets which support a selectable state. This is useful for styling your entire application but be sure to test that your customisations are applied consistently throughout.

Familiar but styled

Customising the action bar is a great way to extend your application’s branding to the standard control components. With this power, as they say, comes great responsibility. When customising the user interface you must take great care to ensure that your application remains legible and navigable. In particular, watch out for highlight colours which contrast poorly with text and provide drawables for all relevant states. Explore this demo application which exercises the functionality offered by the Action Bar and demonstrates how to theme it.

Tags : Android : Customizing the Action Bar, Android, Customizing the Action

Android : PIX: Top 5 Android Honeycomb Tablets

Android : PIX: Top 5 Android Honeycomb Tablets

So you think iPad is the best thing to happen to humankind since the invention of the wheel? Take a look at this year's best Android Honeycomb tablets that might just be up your alley.

Tablets have been around for a number of years now but it is only recently that they have risen to popularity. This is largely thanks to the Apple iPad released not so long ago.
Are you a gadget/gaming wizard? Would you like to write on gadgets, gaming, the Internet, software technologies, OSs and the works for us? Send us a sample of your writing with the subject as 'I'm a tech wizard' and we will get in touch with you.

Toshiba Tablet

 The most celebrated aspect of the Toshiba is that it brings something to the table that the popular iPad 2 does not.

This includes a changeable battery, dual cameras, Flash support, as well as a number of extra data ports. It also appears to be one of the more durable devices of its type, having been made out of materials specifically resistant to the activities of daily life.
If you have been thinking of investing in your very own tablet then take a look at this year's top 5 Android Honeycomb tablets.

T-Mobile G-Slate

The T-Mobile G-Slate is one of those products that promises the world but doesn't really deliver much more than the average tablet.

On the other hand, it is one of the best in its price range. It features a slightly smaller screen display than competitors, but makes up for it in its better quality screen.

While the optional 3D camcorder was a good idea, many say it is not worth the price.

Asus Eee Pad Transformer

The IT world was wondering when Asus was going to come to the party.
After much anticipation it finally released the Eee pad transformer. Even though it is on the lower end of the price spectrum it has much to offer. It sports The Android 3 Honeycomb, a dual core processor and an entire 16GB of storage.
With the optional extras you can use your tablet for business by day, and transform it into an all-round entertainment device by night.

Acer Iconia Tab

The Iconia Tab from Acer is a pioneer in its price range, proving that you can get a device for all your needs at a fraction of the cost without compromising on quality.

As with its competitors, it is powered by the Android 3 Honeycomb and a Nvidia Tegra 2 processor.

Other great features are the 5MP camera, integrated LED flash, as well as GPS and Flash capability.

Galaxy Tab 10.1

The Galaxy Tab 10.1 was somewhat of a follow-up to the 7-inch tab which ran on 2.2 Froyo. This offering seems to be at the forefront of tablets and is giving iPad a run for its money.

It runs on Android Honeycomb 3, built to be sleek and streamlined, featuring an 8MP camera, 1280 800 resolution, and is extremely light.

These are the top 5 Android 3.0 Honeycomb tablets at the moment. They are each built to suit different lifestyles anywhere from the workaholic to the gaming enthusiast. These devices are at the top of their class, so if you are looking to add a tablet to your collection then think seriously about investing in one of these.

If you are aware of any other Android Honeycomb Tablets do share it with us, via the comments section.

Tags : Android : PIX: Top 5 Android Honeycomb Tablets, Android, Androis Honeycomb Tablets

Selasa, 16 Agustus 2011

Tips : Kopi Kurangi Resiko Kanker Kulit

Tips : Kopi Kurangi Resiko Kanker Kulit
Ada berita gembira bagi para penggemar kopi. Berdasarkan sebuah penelitian di Amerika Serikat, kopi menunjukkan tanda dapat mengurangi resiko kanker kulit dengan membantu membunuh sel-sel yang rusak yang berpeluang dapat berubah menjadi tumor.

Temuan yang diterbitkan pada Senin itu, menunjukkan bahwa minum kafein secara wajar, atau bahkan menggunakan kopi di kulit, dapat berguna dalam menangkal kanker non-melanoma, diagnosis kanker kulit yang paling sering.

Dengan menggunakan tikus yang secara genetik telah dipengaruhi untuk menekan produksi enzim protein, ATR, dalam tubuhnya, para peneliti membuktikan bahwa tikus itu mampu menangkis kanker bahkan

bila terkena sinar ultraviolet.

Penelitian sebelumnya telah menyarankan bahwa minum sekitar satu cangkir kopi berkafein per hari memiliki efek menekan ATR dan memicu kematian sel yang rusak oleh sinar UV.

Tikus itu pada akhirnya menderita kanker, namun itu terjadi setelah tiga pekan, dibandingkan dengan tikus yang normal, menurut penelitian yang diterbitkan dalam Laporan Akademi Ilmu Pengetahuan Nasional.

Setelah 19 pekan terpapar sinar ultraviolet, tikus yang direkayasa itu menunjukkan 69 persen lebih sedikit tumor dan empat kali lebih sedikit tumor invasif dibandingkan kelompok normal.

Namun, efek perlindungan hanya selama itu, setelah lebih dari 34 pekan terpapar sinar ultra violet, seluruh tikus menderita tumor.

"Akhirnya, jika anda memamar mereka dengan sinar ultra violet cukup lama, semua tikus akan menderita kanker sehingga hal itu tidak 100 persen memberikan perlindungan selamanya," kata Allan Conney, salah satu penulis, kepada AFP.

"Sungguh, dengan hampir semua jenis karsinogen, pada akhirnya semua hewan akan menderita tumor," kata Conney, yang merupakan direktur dari Laboratorium Penelitian Kanker Susan Lehman Cullman di Universitas Rutgers, New Jersey.

Conney dan timnya mampu mengkonfirmasi hipotesis mereka bahwa kafein -ketika dikonsumsi atau dioleskan pada kulit - bekerja dengan cara menghambat ATR. Sekarang mereka mengatakan bahwa penelitian lebih lanjut diperlukan untuk melihat bagaimana teori yang sama mungkin dapat juga bekerja pada manusia.

"Kami ingin melihat apakah kafein memiliki efek pada manusia bila diberikan secara berkala," katanya.

"Kafein mungkin menjadi senjata dalam pencegahan karena mampu menghambat ATR dan juga bertindak sebagai tabir surya serta langsung menyerap sinar UV yang merusak."

Kanker kulit adalah kanker paling umum di Amerika Serikat, dengan lebih dari satu juta kasus baru setiap tahun, menurut Institut Kanker Nasional.

Kanker kulit jenis non-melanoma, termasuk jenis sel basal dan sel skuamosa, adalah jenis kanker kulit yang paling sering didiagnosis dan sering dapat diobati jika terdeteksi di tahap awal.

Penelitian sebelumnya telah menunjukkan peminum kopi cenderung memiliki resiko lebih rendah menderita kanker payudara, rahim, prostat dan usus besar, namun efek yang bermanfaat tidak terlihat pada orang yang minum kopi tanpa kafein.

Ramadhan : Penyebab Terbanyak Batal Puasa

Penyebab Terbanyak Batal Puasa

Penyebab seseorang membatalkan puasanya bisa bermacam-macam. Salah satu penyebab utama orang batal puasa pada pekan pertama Ramadan 1432 Hijriah adalah sakit perut.

Demikian disampaikan Ahli penyakit dalam dari Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) Jakarta, Dr dr H Ari Fahrial Syam SpPD-KGEH MMB, di Jakarta belum lama ini.

"Berdasarkan survei di RSCM dan beberapa rumah sakit swasta, hampir 70 persen kasus orang batal puasa pada minggu pertama Ramadan karena sakit perut yang disertai diare. Penyebabnya karena faktor makanan dan lingkungan, faktor kebersihan tangan baik orang yang mengkonsumsi dan orang yang menyiapkan makanan," ujar Ari Fahrial Syam, yang merupakan Spesialis Penyakit Dalam dan Gastroenterologist.

Menurut dia berpindahnya satu bakteri dari satu tempat ke tempat lain dipengaruhi oleh kebersihan tangan kita. Karena itu sangat penting untuk memiliki kebiasaan sehat berupa cuci tangan pakai sabun terutama saat ingin mengonsumsi makanan.

"Mencuci tangan pakai sabun merupakan salah satu cara yang efektif untuk memutus rantai penyebaran penyakit yang disebabkan oleh kuman," lanjut Ari yang juga merupakan Ketua Bidang Advokasi Pengurus Besar Perhimpunan Ahli Penyakit Dalam Indonesia (PB PAPDI).

Penelitian telah membuktikan bahwa cuci tangan dengan menggunakan sabun akan menurunkan angka kejadian diare yang cukup signifikan, seperti hasil studi penelitian oleh Curtis V. Cairncross, yang menunjukkan cuci tangan pakai sabun dapat menurunkan risiko diare hingga 47 persen.

Ia menganjurkan umat Islam yang sedang berpuasa supaya menjaga kebersihan tangan bebas dari kuman agar tetap sehat. "Mereka tahu bahwa cuci tangan pakai sabun sebelum buka puasa dan sahur itu penting, tetapi tanpa disadari ketika waktu sahur dan berbuka tiba mereka terburu-buru mengambil makanan dan lupa cuci tangan. Padahal tangan kotor dan akhirnya terinfeksi penyakit dan tidak bisa beribadah dengan baik," jelasnya.

Ramadhan : Nutrisi Penunjang Puasa

Ramadhan : Nutrisi Penunjang Puasa
Para pakar gizi menyatakan seseorang tetap aktif atau menjadi lamban saat berpuasa sangat bergantung pada jenis dan jumlah asupan makanan yang dikonsumsinya. Untuk mencegah kelelahan saat puasa dan badan tetap aktif tanpa kehilangan banyak energi, para pakar diet dan gizi merekomendasikan pola makan seimbang.

"Untuk mengatasi kecenderungan tubuh yang melamban dan malas, seseorang perlu mengonsumsi makanan ringan namun berenergi tinggi ketika berbuka puasa," kata Mahat Mohammed, seorang ahli gizi.

Para pakar gizi menganjurkan makanan padat energi dalam menu, terutama saat berbuka dan sahur. Makanan itu bisa berupa kurma, bubur oatmeal, jus buah segar dan juga karbohidrat seperti beras atau pasta. Dan jangan lupakan susu.

Berkaitan dengan jam puasa yang panjang di beberapa negara, karbohidrat kompleks atau jenis makanan yang lambat dicerna sebaiknya dikonsumsi saat ahur sehingga makanan tersebut bertahan lama dalam tubuh (sekitar delapan jam). Dengan demikian mereka yang berpuasa tak terlalu merasa lapar saat siang.

Sebagian besar pakar merekomendasikan sahur ringan dengan mengombinasikan beberapa jenis makanan seperti gandum, oats, semolina, kacang, lentil, gandum utuh dan beras.

Selain persoalan asupan, dehidrasi juga salah satu penyebab yang menjadikan kinerja dan aktivitas tubuh menurun saat puasa. Saat musim kemarau, tingkat dehidrasi yang dialami bisa kian memburuk, terlebih bagi mereka yang diharuskan bekerja di luar ruangan ketika matahari bersinar terik.

Menurut ahli nutrisi dehidrasi juga bergantung pada seberapa banyak seseorang minum sebelum puasa, aktivitas fisik dan efisiensi kerja organ tubuh seperti ginjal.

"Cukup minum air dan jus buah saat buka puasa dan sebelum sahur sangat dianjurkan. Pola ini dapat mencegah dehidrasi sekaligus detoksifikasi sistem pencernaaan," jelas Mahat.

"Sebisa mungkin anda harus menghindari olahraga berat, menghindari makanan karbohidrat olahan dan aktivitas yang menyerap banyak energi, seperti berargurmen dengan seseorang," imbuhnya.

Selain itu mereka yang berpuasa dianjurkan menghindari makanan penghasil gas lambung, seperti mengudap kacang-kacangan di malam hari, makanan tinggi lemak, makanan olahan dan makanan siap saji. Lalu menu yang berisiko memperparah dehidrasi seperti soda, gorengan dan makanan berbumbu pedas.

Es Kutub Utara Meleleh Lebih Cepat

Es Kutub Utara Meleleh Lebih Cepat
Perhitungan PBB mengenai masa leleh es Kutub Utara bisa jadi salah. Ilmuwan MIT perkirakan es Kutub Utara akan meleleh 4 kali lebih cepat.

Ilmuwan Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) membantah penyataan Perserikatan Bangsa-bangsa mengenai perubahan iklim, yang menyebutkan bahwa es Kutub Utara akan habis meleleh pada 2100. Seperti dilansir International Business Times, menurut prediksi MIT, es di Kutub Utara akan meleleh dengan laju empat kali lebih cepat daripada yang dilaporkan PBB.

Pierre Rampal dari departmen Earth, Atmosphere and Planetary Sciences, MIT, mengingatkan, prediksi ini mungkin berbeda-beda dengan kenyataan di berbagai tempat, karena ada perbedaan data pada model Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) dengan fakta sebenarnya, sehingga prediksi itu tidak akurat.

Data tersebut memprediksi dengan menggunakan variabel perubahan temperatur. Jadi laporan PBB melupakan keberadaan variabel dorongan mekanis dalam pengukuran waktu leleh es. Dorongan mekanis yang dimaksud misalnya arus angin yang menerpa es serta gelombang laut yang dapat menghantam dinding es. Seiring perubahan suhu yang terjadi berulang-ulang, es juga akan jadi lebih rapuh, sehingga es jadi lebih cepat meleleh.

Saying no to Encrypted Web Pages in Internet Explorer

Saying no to Encrypted Web Pages in Internet Explorer

If you manage your finances or shop online, then you have probably had experience with using secure Web connections, otherwise known as SSL. These secure connections encrypt the data that is transferred from a Web server to your computer. Once the data gets to your computer, your browser has a special key that decrypts the information and displays it on your computer. During this process, when the file is decrypted, it is saved in the Temporary Internet Files
directory so that the browser can display it.

This default appears to be harmless because the Web page is only saved on your computer. If no one has remote access to your computer, the data would be safe, right? Not necessarily, because your data is now vulnerable to anyone who has physical local access to your computer. If that person is clever and lucky enough, he or she can sort through your Temporary Internet Files directory to find confidential information, such as your online banking information. All of this information is saved by default on your hard drive for anyone to look at. They do not even need to know your password or even log into your account on the bank's Web site, because a snapshot of the Web page is stored locally on your computer.

What can you do to protect your computer from this vulnerability besides setting up better computer security such as complex passwords? There is a cool feature of Internet Explorer that you just have to turn on that will eliminate the problem completely. Simply called Do Not Save Encrypted Pages to Disk, this feature, when enabled, will solve your problems. To enable it, follow these steps:

1. Open Internet Explorer.

2. Click Tools and select Internet Options.

3. Then, select the Advanced tab.

4. Scroll down through the list toward the bottom of the window until you see the Security section.

5. Locate Do Not Save Encrypted Pages to Disk, and check the box to the left of it.

6. Click OK to save and activate your changes.

Now you will no longer have to worry about pages that were encrypted being saved to your drive for anyone who has access to your computer to see.

Tags : Saying no to Encrypted Web Pages in Internet Explorer, Internet Explorer

Clearing temporary Internet files and cookies

Clearing temporary Internet files and cookies

Every time you visit a Web site, the files for the Web page, such as the HTML and the images, are downloaded and stored in a temporary directory known as Temporary Internet Files. Over time, this directory can become full of images and HTML from various Web sites that you have visited. This directory can end up taking up a lot of space on your hard drive. Additionally, a user can browse your Temporary Internet Files directory and find out exactly what site you have been visiting just as if they were looking at your browser history. If you are concerned about your privacy, or just concerned about disk space, then clearing the Temporary Internet Files is a must.

Cookies are another item that is created on your computer when you visit a Web site. Contrary to popular belief, cookies are really not that bad. Most Web sites use them to save user data to a browser. One example of this is site preferences or automatic logon when you visit a Web site. The Webmaster of the Web site can detect if their Web site has already given you a cookie that has your user ID stored in it. If it finds one, then it knows exactly who you are and logs you on automatically. Advertisers also use cookies to store personal data. Instead of showing you the same advertisement 50 times, they use cookies to keep track of how many times an advertisement is displayed on your screen.

A common myth about cookies is that they allow Web sites to track other sites you visit. That is just not true. The only cost of having cookies on your computer is a privacy concern for local users. Any user that has physical access to your computer can browse to the directory that the cookies are stored and view what Web sites you visit because the cookies are named after the Web site that instructed your browser to put them on your computer.

Clearing the Temporary Internet Files and removing the cookies is a very simple task. Just follow these steps to clear these files:

1. Open up another copy of Internet Explorer.

2. Click Tools and then select Internet Options.

3. Under the Temporary Internet Files section, click the Delete Files button.

4. You will be prompted to confirm if you would also like offline files to be deleted. For maximum privacy, check the box and Click OK.

5. Once the files are erased, you will be shown the Internet Options screen again. Taking care of the cookies for your privacy is just as easy. Just click the Delete Cookies button.

6. Click OK on the confirmation screen.

7. Select OK once more to close Internet Options and you are done.

Now users will no longer be able to see what Web sites you visit from the cookies and Temporary Internet Files that are stored on your computer. Additionally, you will have freed up some disk space by deleting these files.

Tags : Clearing temporary Internet files and cookies, Internet

Clearing visited Web sites history

Clearing visited Web sites history

Internet Explorer, by default, is configured to record all of the Web sites that you visit for a 30-day period. If you are concerned about your privacy, your browsing history should be cleaned frequently and history settings configured best for privacy. Doing so will ensure that any user of your computer will not be able to easily see what you have been doing. Keep in mind, however, that if you get rid of the browser history, you will eliminate the ability to use the history to go back to Web sites for which you might have forgotten the URL.

That use is really the only reason I can think of that makes the browser history useful. If you can live without that convenience, then follow these steps to clear your history from your PC:

1. Open up a copy of Internet Explorer by using either the icon on the desktop or on the Start panel.

2. Once Internet Explorer is open, click the Tools menu bar item and select Internet Options.

3. Then, just click the Clear History button.

4. Your history will now be cleared. Because you still have Internet Options open on your screen, adjust the amount of days that your browsing history is stored.

5. As mentioned earlier, the default setting for this value is normally 30 days. Highlight the number in the days to keep pages in history box and type in 0 to maximize your privacy.

6. Then, click OK to save your changes and exit the Internet Options screen.

After you have cleared your browser history and modified the history setting, your privacy will be much easier to protect.

Tags : Clearing visited Web sites history, Web Sites

Locking down Internet Explorer

Locking down Internet Explorer

Now that you have removed all of the spyware and adware on your computer, let's turn off certain features of Internet Explorer so that you will be less likely to accidentally install more spyware. To get started, change the ActiveX install settings to prevent any new ActiveX apps to be installed. Follow these steps to change this setting:

1.Open Internet Explorer.

2.Click the Tools menu bar item and select Internet Options.

3.Click the Custom Level button on the Security tab.

4.Locate Download Signed ActiveX Control at the top of the list and select Disable.

5.Click OK and click Yes on the confirmation screen.

6.Select OK once more to close Internet Options.

A change in this setting can prevent you from installing new ActiveX controls from all Web sites, good and bad. If you ever run into some problem with a Web site not loading correctly, just re-enable this setting and try the site again.

Tags : Locking down Internet Explorer, Internet Explorer

Using WPA for a more secure wireless connection

Using WPA for a more secure wireless connection

Wi-Fi Protected Access, or WPA, is a new, improved security standard for wireless connections. WPA has addressed the weaknesses of WEP; it was developed to create a viable alternative to WEP that is more secure than that standard. The fundamentals are the same between the standards, but WPA has improved some of the various mechanisms that plagued WEP. For example, encryption keys are now dynamic and change often automatically. Additionally, the complexity of the encryption key has also been increased to help fight off users who try to derive a key from data that they capture. One of the largest improvements in WPA is the addition of authentication to the wireless connection. Now, users have to have the right encryption settings, as well as a valid username and password, to gain access to the network.

This new standard is just starting to gain momentum. Microsoft has released a special patch for Windows XP that adds this new standard to Windows. However, installing the patch will not allow you to use this new standard. Just as with WEP, WPA is programmed into the firmware of the hardware components. In order to use WPA, you must have hardware that specifically supports it. Currently, only a few companies offer base stations and wireless adapters that support this new method of security. However, that will change in time.

The next time you are considering purchasing a wireless base station and adapter, do some research and pick one that supports WPA to ensure that your wireless communications will not be decrypted and your privacy is secure.

Tags : Using WPA for a more secure wireless connection, Network Security, Wireless Connection

Using WEP for secure communication

Using WEP for secure communication

Wired Equivalent Privacy, or WEP, is the first security standard for wireless networks. The basic concept for WEP security is to encrypt the data that is sent back and forth between the access point and the client adapter. This is done using various degrees of encryption strength. A special key, known as the encryption key, is used by computers to connect to a WEP-protected wireless network. This allows the client computer's adapter to be able to decrypt and also send
encrypted messages in the same language as the base station.

This standard sounds like a great way to secure a wireless network. However, it presents some flaws. The largest one is that the whole system relies on just one key. If someone's laptop is stolen that is part of a corporate network, the encryption key must be changed for the base station and for all of the other computers using the wireless connection. This change is necessary because the current encryption key could be easily extracted from the system settings.
Additionally, someone can potentially derive the encryption key by carefully analyzing the data they intercepted.

If you have a wireless base station, I highly recommend that you enable WEP to protect your home. Setting up WEP is different on every set of hardware, but the following are the basics:

1. Connect to your base station setting remotely using your Web browser. This address and port number varies, but usually is or Often, the port number is changed to 8080 so people donÕt think you have a Web server running. In that case, try or

2. Once you connect, you usually are asked for a password. For all Linksys hardware, the Username field is left blank and the password is admin. Other hardware manufacturers use some sort of a variation of the above. It also would be a good idea to change the password to something other than admin when you are working in the administration settings.

3. Locate the WEP settings and specify the encryption strength in bits. Then, come up with an encryption key and type that in. Write down your encryption key and strength for use in step 5.

4. Save your changes. You can now close the Web administration site.

5. The last part of setting up WEP is configuring the client computers that will connect to the base station. Once again, this information varies, depending on your wireless card. Consult the manual for your card to find out how to set up your card to use WEP.

Setting up WEP will greatly increase the security of your wireless network. Even though there are some flaws, it is much better than using no protection at all. It has the same effect as a car alarm. If a burglar has to choose between a car that clearly has an alarm or one that doesn't, which one will they choose to break into?

Tags : Using WEP for secure communication, Network Security

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